Categories: Financial, Human Resources, Administration, Business Approvals, Sales Approvals, etc.
Allows different workflow modes such as serial, parallel, rollback, reject & return, conditions, split, aggregation, user-selection and sub-process call. Use forms and process customization tools to customize various approval processes based on users’ specific requirements.
Classified management of fixed assets and consumables.
Inventory information of fixed assets and consumables, inventory warning. Purchase histories & storage records, use records and maintenance records. Import and export excel data.
A financial management solution for multiple countries, regions and companies separately or in a unified way.
CloudDoc Management Platform
The platform allows various terminal operations and multi-end file with real time synchronization in multiple regions (Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas).
Online documents editing and multi-versions management make operation management much easier.
Online file sharing improves the efficiency of simultaneous work in multiple regions Role rights allocation Role rights management
Work smarter, Go Further
Office work essentials that eliminate your unnecessary daily workloads.
Improve productivity, Information integration, expenses management, Remote office, Security and efficiency
We offer two options: Starter Edition and Enterprise Edition
You can choose to subscribe according to your needs and preferences .
Starter Edition
2 user accounts, basic support services,
please contact for details
Enterprise Edition
All functions in one, customized user account numbers,
please contact for details